Dwain Burke


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TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
6 years ago
I went into this film blind. I hadn't seen a trailer or any promotional material and to be honest if I had I probably would have scoffed at Searching and skipped it. That would have been my loss. Searching is a creative and fresh spin on the moder... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
6 years ago
The biggest question I had going into this film was whether or not Alden Ehrenreich would be able to capture the spirit of Han Solo. I was pleasantly surprised instantly I felt like Ehrenreich was Han and maybe not the Han we knew from the origina... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
6 years ago
This film was over a decade in the making and it delivers on every moment we've had to wait in the first 5 minutes of the film. The opening scene immediately establishes Thanos as the most dangerous threat any of these characters have ever faced.... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
Steven Spielberg couldn't have been more perfect for directing this film and the man who helped shape pop culture through the '70's, 80's and, 90's. And once again he shows that there isn't a film genre he can't direct. The chemistry between Tye S... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
John Boyega was great in the lead. He immediately gets you invested in Jake and his chemistry with Cailee Spaeny is one of the highlights of the film. ONe of the other things I really enjoyed about this film was the action sequences. The way the a... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
I absolutely adored this film. Everything about this film. Berlanti makes everything about this world feel real and familiar, similar to the way John Hughes' films felt. Robinson is so effortlessly charming as Simon, the character feels retable wi... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
This film is somewhat of a mixed bag, one strength of this film is the imagination and ambition of the visuals. There are moments that this film is a visual marvel. Some of the set locations, as well as the visual effects, were absolutely breathta... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
I honestly don't even know where, to begin with, this film. This film from the start just feels like a music video opening with a 10-minute montage. There was absolutely no arc to this movie. There is no character progression and there is no story... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
This film opens and immediately it feels like a Star Wars sequel but also quickly lets you know that this is a completely different film from any of the other in the franchise. The entire film is about the struggle to do next. The chemistry that b... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
The Foreigner is not the Jackie Chan film you might be expecting. There are a couple fight sequences but at its hear, this film is a political thriller. are expecting. But Jackie Chan gives a great dramatic performance. There is a moment in the f... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
The anchor of this film was the direction of Denis Villeneuve and the script written again by Hampton Fancher. They immediately transport you back to the world of Blade Runner. From the opening scene the film immediately you felt the atmosphere of... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
Tom Cruise was perfection in this role that perfectly captured the charisma that Cruise can bring to the screen. I don't think anyone else would have been convincing in the role. The character of Barry felt like was Cruise was supposed to be in Th... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
Taron Egerton once again commands the screen. He wonderfully holds his on on screen with all acting heavyweights of the cast. He was not only able to deliver with impeccable timing in the comedic moments but also in the heartfelt dramatic moments.... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
This film starts off with a bang. The opening scene was one of the most intense and engaging scenes of the year. Dylan O'Brien is able to deliver another performance showing that he has a bright future. The physicality he brought to the screen mad... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
It (2017)

It (2017)

9 / 10
Everything that this film needed to live up to the mini-series it did. Bill SkarsgĂ„rd as Pennywise was not just downright terrifying there was nothing funny about him at all. but also creepy and felt sociopathic and inhuman. The chemistry between... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
This film was a huge surprise and will probably end up on my Top 10 of the year. This film held my attention from the moment it opened. Jeremy Renner has given what I think is his best performance to date. The way he subtly portrays the pain he's... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
The action sequences were expert choreographed and shot bringing the classic feel of Hong-Kong action films like Police Story or Enter the Dragon. Philip Ng was startling in his portrayal of Bruce Lee. The way he captured his mannerisms and person... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
Woody Harrelson was outstanding as the patriarch of the Walls family. He is able to masterfully deliver all the shades and colors of Rex's character drawing you into and making you care about the character even in his most abhorrent moments. It mi... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
Talitha Bateman was a stand out as Janet. As was Lulu Wilson as Linda. Their sister-like relationship gave the film stakes. Sandberg's use of creepy visuals was more effective to than the best jump-scares. Some of the ways he shot certain sequence... Read the full review »
TheReelBurke rated and reviewed a movie.
7 years ago
Idris Elba was great as Roland, and as usual was the best part of this film. All of the Gunslinger action sequences were great and reminded me of the "gun fu" style action sequences from 80's and 90's Hong Kong action films. I found myself captiva... Read the full review »