WHAT I LIKED: Rightfully earning its pedestal position within modern cinema history, 'Blade Runner' truly is one of the most immersive, intelligent and original sci-fi blockbusters ever made, and this is largely thanks to Ridley Scott who brillian... Read the full review »
In great anticipation for the sequel, I thought it was time to finally see what all the fuss was about, and there was quite a lot of fuss. However, I must admit this film is a sci-fi neo-noir masterpiece, that definitely deserves its spot at the n... Read the full review »
A neo-noir masterpiece, Blade Runner is director Ridley Scott's pure sci-fi magnum opus, and quite possibly the best FILM he's ever made. The film starts with a slow, purposeful pace - establishing the characters we journey through the film with,... Read the full review »
Blade Runner is regarded as possibly the best neo-noir science fiction film of all time, whilst I did enjoy it...it had one major flaw. Firstly the production design and visual effects are astounding, still holds up well today. The soundtrack is e... Read the full review »