Films you don't like that everybody else loves.

by FILM 7 years ago
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  1. FILM
    Updated: 2 months ago

    We all know the feeling. You sit down to watch a film everyone's raving about, then get up 2 hours later thinking "What, why?"

  2. FILM
    Updated: 7 years ago

    There was once a time when I thought Argo was going to be one of my favourite films. I was a big fan of Affleck's "The Town", and everything about his newest venture seemed right up my alley. Once the Oscar wins and critical acclaim started rolling in I knew I had to see it, so I went and bought a copy. Several hours later I'm left scratching my head and wondering how this seriously average thriller got so much love. The only thing I liked about it was the direction by the ever-trustworthy Ben Affleck.

    I know some people are going to hate me for this, but I know I'm not alone in saying Blade Runner, in my honest opinion, is very overrated. I appreciate the immersive and detailed universe built, and love the philosophy the movie poses, but aside from that I just didn't feel very entertained or invested at all. I can completely see why people like it though, I think it was more of a matter of taste than anything else.

  3. Chris
    Updated: 7 years ago

    Sausage Party (2016)! I had heard nothing but great and hilarious things about that film when I went into it. About 20 minutes into it, I wanted to shut it off. It was the dumbest movie I have seen in a long time and I hardly laughed at all.

  4. Barneyonmovies
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @FILM I liked Argo but I agree, it's not as incredible as it was made out to be.

    For me, The Shining, Sicario, Layer Cake, Everybody Wants Some, Hacksaw Ridge and even John Wick - despite their general acclaim - are all films that immediately spring to mind!

  5. Chris
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @Barneyonmovies Ahh Sicario is one of my favorites!! Haha but hey I guess that is what this thread is all about.

  6. Chris
    Updated: 7 years ago

    A couple more of mine are Spy (2015) and The Witch (2015)

  7. buffed_film_buff
    Updated: 7 years ago

    Vertigo. There's no doubt it's masterful, because Hitchcock has a gift, but for some reason I was so disappointed after watching it and I still don't really know why.

  8. FILM
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @buffed_film_buff I know what you mean. I'm a fan of Vertigo but there are often films that you enjoy purely on a technical level instead of becoming invested in the characters and story.

  9. SceneItReviews
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @Barneyonmovies That's super unfortunate! I love all those films. A few movies that everyone likes that I don't like are probably... The Birds, and the original Toy Story. I feel like i'm the only one that thinks the movie doesn't hold up, and the sequels are far superior.

  10. JRhagan
    Updated: 7 years ago

    YH I was underwhelmed by Argo. But I absolutely love Hacksaw Ridge and John Wick though@Barneyonmovies

  11. JRhagan
    Updated: 7 years ago

    I absolutely love the original toy story, but I do think the sequels are better. Speaking of Disney though; I feel like Frozen was a disappointment for me. Maybe because I waited so long to watch it, and expected to watch a Godfather level movie @SceneItReviews

  12. buffed_film_buff
    Updated: 7 years ago

    Another one I just thought of was (500) Days of Summer. I love Joseph Gordon Levitt, and this is my sisters favorite movie of all time, so it was bound to be pretty great. I was supremely disappointed- it had its charming moments but I don't remember walking away from a film so annoyed

  13. FILM
    Updated: 7 years ago

    Alright guys, I take it back. Having watched Blade Runner (1982) twice more I think it's simply amazing. Never mind what I said before, this is one of the best Sci-Fi films ever made. God knows why I didn't like it at first.

  14. TheMovieDiorama
    Updated: 7 years ago

    Dare I say one of the newest films: Baby Driver? I thought it was great but not outstanding like everyone is making it out to be. Logan was ridiculously overrated as well.

    If we're going slightly older I would probably say Mud and The Place Beyond The Pines. Oh and The Hateful Eight.

  15. Chris
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @TheMovieDiorama NOOOOO!!! Baby Driver (2017) & Logan (2017) are my #1 & #2 of the year! Take it back. ha

  16. FILM
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @TheMovieDiorama I literally just got out of Baby Driver. I do agree that it was hyped up a bit too much, but I tempered my expectations just enough to avoid disspointment. I loved it overall and am currently hovering between an 8 or 9.

  17. TheMovieDiorama
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @Chris Never! Wait...Get Out isn't in your top 2 so far!? @FILM I gave it an 8, maybe when I get the bluray and the hype has died down it might get a higher rating.

  18. SceneItReviews
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @TheMovieDiorama Oh dear no, Logan is in NO way overrated.

  19. revimov
    Updated: 7 years ago

    Star Wars, of course!

  20. SceneItReviews
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @revimov asks for forgiveness for him and prays the hail mary

  21. Chris
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @revimov You don't like any of the Star Wars films???

  22. FILM
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @revimov Well, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) is criminally overrated that's for sure. As for the original trilogy I find Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) to be quite weak compared to the others, save for the 3rd act. And, well, the prequels are the prequels.

  23. revimov
    Updated: 7 years ago

    Well, sorry, not all, but few chapter or episodes @Chris and yeah, I agreed on what you said @FILM . I might have to see Star Wars franchise again, maybe some of the chapter is gonna changed my mind but Empire Strikes Back is my fav one in star wars movies... sorry I just put "Star Wars movie" and more bad thing, using "Of Course", once again, sorry, fool me...

  24. EducatedMovieFan
    Updated: 7 years ago

    I'm sorry for not getting this movie, but Napoleon Dynamite. The movie was really boring In my opinion. It was quirky, but too quirky that some things just felt random.

  25. buffed_film_buff
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @EducatedMovieFan what the heck Spencer. I am so disappointed in you. That is a very relatable movie in my opinion.

  26. stickaroundblog
    Updated: 7 years ago

    Gravity, while visually stunning did nothing for me.

  27. FILM
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @stickaroundblog Absolutely. It was technically brilliant and I really liked the first half hour or so, but then it sort of ran out of ideas and got dull fast.

  28. JRhagan
    Updated: 7 years ago

    I actually loved Vertigo. I'm curious about your opinion of Psycho? I was personally underwhelmed, and felt that it was highly outdated. @buffed_film_buff

  29. FILM
    Updated: 7 years ago

    Sidney Lumet's Murder on the Orient Express is often called one of the greatest detective films, but it's honestly just such a drag. It's a shame because I love his debut 12 Angry Men (1957)

  30. ScreenZealots
    Updated: 6 years ago

    I absolutely HATED "Get Out."

  31. SceneItReviews
    Updated: 6 years ago

    @ScreenZealots Wow thats a strong word. What exactly didn't you like about it?

  32. jessicabirnie
    Updated: 4 years ago

    Honestly I have never been keen on Raiders of the lost ark in my opinion its the worst Indiana Jones film.

  33. Chris
    Updated: 4 years ago

    @jessicabirnie my wife would agree with you on this one!

  34. PedroPT
    Updated: 2 months ago

    austin powers movies ...