West Side Story

Dec 8, 2021 PG-13

Two youngsters from rival New York City gangs fall in love, but tensions between their respective friends build toward tragedy.

Overall Rating

8 / 10 Verdict: Good
Avg. Rating: 8 # of Ratings: 5 # of Reviews: 2

Overall Rating

8 / 10 Verdict: Good
Avg. Rating: 8 # of Ratings: 5 # of Reviews: 2

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  • ScreenZealots


    5 / 10
    Director Steven Spielberg brings his signature movie magic to “West Side Story,” a remake of the beloved 1961 Oscar-winning film. It’s a movie that we didn’t really need, but theater fans will likely be pleased with this eye-popping, grand... Read the full review »
  • d_riptide


    9 / 10
    I never had….interest in watching “West Side Story” before now. I’m aware it’s considered one of the greatest musicals of all time but something about just how it looked and presented itself turned me off from giving it a chance…..so w... Read the full review »


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