Swinging in with considerable wit, boundless energy, and tonal levity, “Spider-Man: Far From Home”, directed by Jon Watts, is the twenty third film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and it serves as a lighthearted coda to the decidedly serious... Read the full review »
Imagine being Tony Stark’s chosen one. Imagine your mentor placing all of his trust in you. Imagine being asked to fill his larger-than-life shoes. So goes the life of Peter Parker (Tom Holland) at the beginning of “Spider-Man: Far From Home.�... Read the full review »
Well...Now I know how it felt like when everyone was angry at the "Mandarin Situation" from Iron Man 3. Also,see this in IMAX 3D. Oh,and Spoilers.
This has probably been the roughest week of the year. Family reasons crushed us like a bug (literal... Read the full review »