Empire of Light

Nov 12, 2022 R 1h 55m

A love story set in and around an old cinema on the South Coast of England in the 1980s.

Overall Rating

6 / 10 Verdict: Good
Avg. Rating: 6 # of Ratings: 2 # of Reviews: 2

Overall Rating

6 / 10 Verdict: Good
Avg. Rating: 6 # of Ratings: 2 # of Reviews: 2

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  • ScreenZealots


    5 / 10
    With a story about the need for human connection and the power of cinema, “Empire of Light” should have been a total winner from start to finish. Written and directed by Sam Mendes, the film is riddled with too many subplots and so many proble... Read the full review »
  • WHAT I LIKED: The most engaging thing about Sam Mendes' 'Empire of Light,' is Olivia Colman's Hilary - not only because she's portrayed so well by an ever-perfect performance from Ms Colman, but because she's written as one of those characters who... Read the full review »


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