Hit Man

May 17, 2024 R 1h 55m

A mild-mannered professor moonlighting as a fake contract killer sparks a chain reaction of trouble when he falls for a client.

Overall Rating

6 / 10 Verdict: Good
Avg. Rating: 6 # of Ratings: 3 # of Reviews: 2

Overall Rating

6 / 10 Verdict: Good
Avg. Rating: 6 # of Ratings: 3 # of Reviews: 2

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Film Crew

Director: Richard Linklater


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  • ScreenZealots


    5 / 10
    Richard Linklater‘s “Hit Man” is a film with a serious identity crisis. This genre blending disaster starts out as a wannabe goofy comedy, then veers off the rails into dark noir, finally settling on a bizarrely erotic femme-fatale rom-com.... Read the full review »
  • d_riptide


    6 / 10
    There are only so many Hitman films you can do before they all start bending together and feeling the same; not to say there haven’t been any good ones but I think you can understand why the sudden unveiling of praise for Netflix’s “Hit Man�... Read the full review »

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