
Jul 20, 2022 R 2h 11m

Residents in a lonely gulch of inland California bear witness to an uncanny, chilling discovery.

Overall Rating

9 / 10 Verdict: Great
Avg. Rating: 9 # of Ratings: 6 # of Reviews: 3

Overall Rating

9 / 10 Verdict: Great
Avg. Rating: 9 # of Ratings: 6 # of Reviews: 3

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Director: Jordan Peele


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  • WHAT I LIKED: Much like his previous film 'Us,' Jordan Peele's' 'Nope,' is a film that starts by tentatively building a bunch of mysteries, only to quickly reveal itself into a fight against a ridiculous, unimaginable horror. Here the story surro... Read the full review »
  • ScreenZealots


    9 / 10
    You could write multiple, lengthy essays on the themes in “Nope,” a film that certainly will be analyzed and discussed by students and fans for many years to come. You could also kick back, grab some popcorn, and become immersed in a world of... Read the full review »
  • d_riptide


    8 / 10
    Seems a little bit on the nose to say that “NOPE” is a vastly different story compared to what Jordan Peele has given us previously, both in execution, style and arguably, his usual modus operandi. Of course, Peele’s ability to manipulate... Read the full review »

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