Silver Linings Playbook

Sep 8, 2012 R 2h 2m

After spending eight months in a mental institution, a former teacher moves back in with his parents and tries to reconcile with his ex-wife.

Overall Rating

8 / 10 Verdict: Good
Avg. Rating: 8 # of Ratings: 8 # of Reviews: 4

Overall Rating

8 / 10 Verdict: Good
Avg. Rating: 8 # of Ratings: 8 # of Reviews: 4

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  • jessicabirnie


    8 / 10
    I loved this movie, it was funny, charming and romantic and I loved Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence in this. Read the full review »
  • cinephileopined


    10 / 10
    Silver linings playbook If I had seenĀ  this movie within a month when I got discharged from the rehab I would have definitely said this movie is just insane and nothing happens like that no one behaves like he does...etcetera _. But now after a... Read the full review »
  • This movie was actually a lot better than I thought it would be- my assumption was that it was just a romantic comedy with Katniss, the guy from the Hangover and Robert De Niro, but I was obviously very wrong. This movie follows Pat, a man with u... Read the full review »
  • trmarsh7


    10 / 10


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