Who is the best director working today?

by FILM 6 years ago
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  1. FILM
    Updated: 6 years ago

    Nowadays there are promising directors emerging every year. Who do you think are the best working currently?

  2. FILM
    Updated: 6 years ago

    I adore the work of Denis Villenueve, everything he makes is so methodical and captivating, he is one of the best, and by far the most consistent directors today. I'm also a huge fan of the Coen brothers, as well as Tarantino, but I think if I was made to pick I would give Villeneuve the prize.

  3. Chris
    Updated: 6 years ago

    I am not sure if I can pick a single favorite. I do agree with Denis Villeneuve though, he is my favorite newer director. I will also toss out David Fincher he has consistently stayed at the top of my list over the years.

  4. Barneyonmovies
    Updated: 6 years ago

    Fincher is definitely up there for me - I'm a big fan of Sam Mendes' work too, and Nolan of course!!

  5. TheMovieDiorama
    Updated: 6 years ago

    Denis Villeneuve, David Fincher, Danny Boyle, Christopher Nolan and, a rather low-key one, J.C. Chandor

  6. FILM
    Updated: 6 years ago

    @TheMovieDiorama If we're talking less mainstream directors I would say Michael Hanake and Xavier Dolan.

    Some other popular directors I forgot to mention are Tom Hooper, Alejandro G Inarritu and Alfonso Cuaron.

  7. TheTalkingChris
    Updated: 6 years ago

    I would say probably Nolan but in reality there are many excellent directors blessing us with their work today.

    Nolan for me though hasn't really missed. Very consistent.

  8. TheTalkingChris
    Updated: 6 years ago

    I would say probably Nolan but in reality there are many excellent directors blessing us with their work today.

    Nolan for me though hasn't really missed. Very consistent.

  9. stickaroundblog
    Updated: 6 years ago

    Nolan is always up there for his excellent reimagining of Batman, but check out these others:
