Feature / Improvement Requests

by Chris 8 years ago
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  1. Chris
    Updated: 3 years ago

    FilmFed is always adding new improvements and new features.

    If you have a great feature or an improvement that you would like to see on FilmFed, please comment below. I can't guarantee that all requests will become a reality, but I will review each and everyone.


  2. redcore
    Updated: 8 years ago
    • Ability to browse movies in our profile; a new tab next to "following". in that zone we would be able to see our movies in pages / thumbnails, like we can see movies ( http://filmfed.com/movies/genres/adventure ) with a drop-down menu to choose how to sort them ( name, rating, date added ) .

    • an easy way to pull our movies from imdb ( import or google chrome extension ) .

    • Ability to create lists ( Movies and People ) .

    • Manually add missing Movies.

    ( PS: add the site to "Alternativeto" for a good publicity )

  3. Chris
    Updated: 8 years ago

    @PedroMGA, Thank you for these, they are all great suggestions!

    • "Ability to create lists ( Movies and People )." - This one is on the near future road map.
    • "Manually add missing Movies." - This will be addressed very soon as part of the search improvements I am currently working on.
    • "Ability to browse movies in our profile; a new tab next to "following". in that zone we would be able to see our movies in pages / thumbnails, like we can see movies ( http://filmfed.com/movies/genres/adventure ) with a drop-down menu to choose how to sort them ( name, rating, date added )." - I have considered addressing this one via the lists feature that is currently planned. You would essentially have auto populated lists that will hold your rated and reviewed movies. I hadn't thought about the sorting though, I like that addition!
    • "Add the site to "Alternativeto" for a good publicity" - Thank you, I had not thought about doing this. I will do it right now.
    • "An easy way to pull our movies from imdb ( import or google chrome extension )." - This one might be difficult to do, but I will add it to the consideration list for future consideration and research.
  4. redcore
    Updated: 8 years ago

    instead of lists, maybe the ability to make person tags ( but give it a cool name )

  5. Manny_In_LoFi
    Updated: 8 years ago

    Not sure if you already had this one in mind, but how about a section on the homepage that showcases "Most Recently Reviewed Titles"?

    This way, there's something new on the homepage each time someone visits the page and let's them know about the new reviews.

  6. Chris
    Updated: 8 years ago

    @PedroMGA I took your advise and added FilmFed to AlternativeTo.com. I would love it if you could give the listing a like and a review.



  7. redcore
    Updated: 8 years ago

    yeah, i noticed it :P im a regular poster there, i will take care of that :P another place with could add the site is "betalist" and "producthunt" they are both very useful. already asked on twiter to add it to producthunt, it will give u a good boost of good users =)

  8. redcore
    Updated: 8 years ago

    Statistics! we all love them =) most seen actors / directors / genres / year distribution / rating distribution . someting simple like this http://www.mooviestats.com/reetsen/movies/2015/

  9. redcore
    Updated: 8 years ago
    • Ability for users to add movie cover i its missing ( manually add or force a refresh from tmdb )
    • Ability to add Movies to a wishlist.
  10. redcore
    Updated: 8 years ago

    on the Home Page:

    • Recently rated / reviewed by site members
    • Coming soon to cinema
    • Coming soo to DVD / Bluray
    • Currently on cinemas
  11. Chris
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @Pedro We have deployed some great new features. These new feature that address some of your earlier feature requests:

    • Ability to browse movies in our profile; a new tab next to "following". in that zone we would be able to see our movies in pages / thumbnails, like we can see movies ( http://filmfed.com/movies/genres/adventure ) with a drop-down menu to choose how to sort them ( name, rating, date added ) .
    • Ability to create lists ( Movies and People ) .
    • Ability to add Movies to a wishlist.
    • Recently rated / reviewed by site members

    Details on the new features can be found here: http://filmfed.com/message-boards/filmfed-talk/new-features-want-to-see-list-custom-lists-and-profile-stats

  12. Chris
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @TheFilmRascalShow I just saw your earlier comment about suggestion for recenty reviewed films on the homepage. Thank you for this. I have plans for big homepage in the near future. Some of the feature will include:

    • Recent Member Activity
    • Featured Trailers
    • Must Follow Members
    • Recent Message Board Posts
    • Recent Blog Posts.
  13. redcore
    Updated: 7 years ago

    love the list making and the ordering of ratings!

  14. TheMovieDiorama
    Updated: 7 years ago

    I've seen a few similar film community sites where members can get awards/badges for certain milestones i.e. 100 movies reviewed, 10 followers etc.

    Could be a good incentive to get more people involved and make it more of a community. Also shows which members take the reviewing seriously as one can simply look at their awards.

    Also, how does one become a 'Must Follower Member'? Is it based on the follower count? Review count? Just intrigued is all.

    Great site though, literally one of two I consistently use for my reviews.

  15. Chris
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @TheMovieDiorama I love the idea for badges. Thank you for that. I will start exploring it soon.

    As for how to become a "Must Follow Member", there is no exact formula. I choose from the most active users. You will be in the next batch.

  16. MattRodriguez
    Updated: 7 years ago

    Like the Weekly Box Office on the homepage, I would like to see a New/Upcoming releases section that has what is releasing in theaters that week. Would make it much easier to rate films that are about to come out instead of having to search for them individually. ;-)

  17. reelgood
    Updated: 7 years ago

    http://iwatched.it/iwatched-it-chrome-extension ... something like this would be awsome, maybe even better then imdb import(?) i think it would a new tab ( when we are on imdb ) to the proper page on filmfed.

  18. Chris
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @MattRodriguez Thanks Matt. I have added this one to the road map.

  19. reelgood
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @TheMovieDiorama mlestones, achievements and badges are in my blood. i evne have accounts on sites i dont use or like just so i can gather them lol...

  20. Ragnar_Danneskjold
    Updated: 3 years ago

    @redcore Ability for users to add movie cover i its missing ( manually add or force a refresh from tmdb ).

    Nice suggestion. Perhaps a refresh button on the page that could be hit when users see an issue with missing info. Trakt has now included that option (Bottom left hand side) https://trakt.tv/movies/the-eggplant-lady-2001

    I'd like to see the overall score for the movies more detailed. Instead of just the straight 6 / 10, the average could be broken down into 6.38 / 10 or so.

    A quote option here on the message boards would be helpful also.

    One other thing that comes to mind would be some fashion shows the user that they have watched and rated a movie without having to open up the details page. Perhaps a orange halo effect around the movie picture, change the color of the score bar...something like that so when searching for a film you see that you've already bagged that one.