Disney's Zootopia is one of their best films for years and the animated film to see in 2016. A film that is appropriate for both children and adults it is one that is sure to bear fruit in terms of sequels and spin-offs.
Zootopia features anothe... Read the full review »
Zootropolis is Disney's best animated feature in many years. Sure they've been consistent but this is truly the first step to mature themes from a family film. Tackling social stereotypes, class segregation and bullying all in one and it was so re... Read the full review »
When the first teaser came out, I wasn't really excited for the film, but when the first trailer came out, it definitely looked better. I didn't really get excited for the movie until I saw that the film had 99% on rotton tomatoes after its first... Read the full review »
Zootopia is a film that everyone has been talking about for some time, so I had pretty high expectations for it. I am pleased to say that it mostly lived up to the expectations. It was a fun and original animated movie that featured a great mix of... Read the full review »