The Losers (2010)

The Losers (2010)

2010 PG-13 97 Minutes

Action | Adventure | Crime | Mystery | Thriller

A tale of double cross and revenge, centered upon the members of an elite U.S. Special Forces unit sent into the Bolivian jungle on a search and destroy mission. The team-Clay, Jensen, Roque, Pooch...

Overall Rating

6 / 10
Verdict: Good

User Review

  • The Losers may win in style, but loses in conveying an exciting plot. For me, this is a difficult one to judge. It's full of bumbling personalities, exciting set pieces and comedic one liners, yet it lacks depth. A dull clichéd plot that is as unmemorable as the eponymous group. So do I view this as an exercise of mindless action, or take it as a decent adaptation of the graphic novels? An elite black ops group are tasked in preventing a mysterious individual, simply known as Max, from unleashing a device that can dematerialise the vicinity that it is activated within. A "Snuke". It quite literally sucks nearby mass into oblivion like an obese person hoovering up the crumbs of the pizza they had last night with their mouth, leaving no trace of its existence. Environmentally friendly and explosively potent, how thoughtful. Much like the plot device, the narrative is rapidly paced. Lightning fast dialogue, each bursting with unique characterisation, that humorously creates an enjoyable flick. It is undeniably watchable, no question. The onscreen talent makes it even easier to sit back and relax, knowing that Morgan, Evans, Saldana and Elba are powering through the script. The bombardment of action set pieces enhances the entertainment value substantially. Yet despite all of the above, there is a sense of mediocrity. A sense of familiarity. Ahhh yes, 'The A-Team' remake that was released in the same year. These two films draw impeccable comparisons that unfortunately deters from any originality that this film attempted to acquire. The plot in itself was rather generic, filled with clichéd character choices that you could see coming from a mile away. White's directing style was far too frantic with extreme usage of zooms, quick cuts and lack of camera focus that made certain combat scenes hard to follow. The visual effects were noticeably awful, particularly explosions such as the motorbike crashing into the jet scene. The antagonist was far too mysterious that actually he made no impact to the story. Needless to say, The Losers is unmemorable and consequently is not a winning blockbuster.