Every Little Thing (2024)

Every Little Thing (2024)

2024 93 Minutes


Amid the glamour of Hollywood, Los Angeles, a woman finds herself on a transformative journey as she nurtures wounded hummingbirds, unraveling a visually captivating and magical tale of love, fragi...

Overall Rating

9 / 10
Verdict: Great

User Review

  • ScreenZealots


    9 / 10
    Just when you think the world is broken and all is lost, a beautiful little film like “Every Little Thing” comes along and restores your faith in humanity. This touching, inspiring, and uplifting documentary about a hummingbird rehabber and her tiny charges had me completely invested in her delicate and highly emotional work from the start, and the glorious nature photography took my breath away.

    In the Hollywood Hills, Terry Masear dedicates her time and resources to healing injured hummingbirds. People from all over the city call and bring in patients, and she does all she can to help. From giving them medicine and hand-feeding to teaching them how to fly again, Terry faces the joy of watching her fully healed, tiny charges fly away to freedom, but also mourns the tragedies when the outlook is grim and some don’t make it. The film showcases several people who bring in patients (one flew into a glass wall, another had an encounter with a cactus), and we get an in-depth view of the care and treatment of these winged beauties.

    Director Sally Aitken chooses to focus an even amount on Terry as well as the birds, which turns out to be a wise decision. There’s a beauty in the rehabilitation of these little creatures, but also a touching tribute to the healing process of the human helpers, too.

    Terry is a sweet lady with a huge heart, and she wants to save every single hummingbird that finds its way into her care. Not only is that admirable, but there’s something so pure, honest, and honorable about that.

    The documentary gives insight on hummingbirds and their behavior, too, and I left with a new appreciation for them. I was on the edge of my seat, rooting for all of my new feathered friends to make it.

    This is a simple story about patience and care that will give you a new appreciation for these fascinating little birds, and “Every Little Thing” is a heartfelt celebration of the greatest human trait of all: compassion.

    By: Louisa Moore / SCREEN ZEALOTS