King of Knives

Dec 1, 2020 1h 35m

A New York family implodes over three days as they careen through mid-life and quarter-life crises.

Overall Rating

6 / 10 Verdict: Good
Avg. Rating: 6 # of Ratings: 1 # of Reviews: 1

Overall Rating

6 / 10 Verdict: Good
Avg. Rating: 6 # of Ratings: 1 # of Reviews: 1

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  • ScreenZealots


    6 / 10
    I have the most fun reviewing films that surprise me, especially those with a micro-budget and a story that’s well-told. I didn’t have any expectations for “King of Knives,” a sarcastic, abrasive family dramedey from director Jon Delgado.... Read the full review »

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