Operation Avalanche (2016)

Operation Avalanche (2016)

2016 R 94 Minutes


In 1967, four undercover CIA agents were sent to NASA posing as a documentary film crew. What they discovered led to one of the biggest conspiracies in American history.

Overall Rating

3 / 10
Verdict: So-So

User Review

  • ScreenZealots


    3 / 10
    I wanted to give “Operation Avalanche” a higher star rating because at its core is a really fun and smart and cool idea, but I spent a good chunk of my time looking down at my watch to see how much longer I had to sit in the theater. It’s never a good sign when I’m already getting antsy 15 minutes in.

    This is a fake documentary about the CIA making a movie to fake the NASA Apollo moon landing. The cool conspiracy theory themes work well with the found footage shooting style, but I feel that this mockumentary stuff is so overdone and has become dreadfully boring, especially in the hands of a new filmmaker who hasn’t quite yet honed in on the craft. Director Matt Johnson is also the co-writer and star of the movie. Maybe this film would’ve worked better if he hadn’t insisted on playing the lead; he was awfully distracting and very unlikeable.

    A very clever idea that’s stretched too thin, leading to a disappointing conclusion.

    A Screen Zealots Review