Silent Hill: Revelation 3D (2012)

Silent Hill: Revelation 3D (2012)

2012 R 94 Minutes

Thriller | Horror | Mystery

Heather Mason and her father have been on the run, always one step ahead of dangerous forces that she doesn't fully understand, Now on the eve of her 18th birthday, plagued by horrific nightmares a...

Overall Rating

6 / 10
Verdict: Good

User Review

  • Silent Hill Revelation is unnecessary, incomprehensible and just utter rubbish. From someone who has a soft spot for its predecessor and believes 'Silent Hill 3' is one of the greatest horror video games ever, it disappoints me that this adaptation is one of the worst. The Silent Hill franchise is based on atmosphere. All director Bassett had to do was create an eerie ambience, and yet he failed at the simplest of tasks. A teenager on the eve of her eighteenth birthday is pulled to an alternate dimension known as Silent Hill where her real identity is revealed. Right, the inherent problem is continuity. It tries to adapt the third game in a series whilst also providing a sequel to the original film. Automatically, the story has changed from its source material to conform to the necessary continuity that literally makes no sense. Im-compre-mother-flipping-hensible. There's a cult wanting to birth a deity, a talisman that does something, a fellow student that coincidentally reveals himself as the son of the cult's leader and...I'm trying my absolute hardest to not give up on my own sanity here! The acting was terrible, catastrophic even. Bean and Harington consistently lose their accents whilst Clemens has all the acting talent of a lemon (hint: none). Somehow, Moss and McDowell were enticed to play roles. What? How? Why!? Every character was wasted and simply acted as convenient plot devices. The unfocused story lost me about ten minutes into the film. Then we come to the visual effects. Sweet mother of Toyama (to which he would be absolutely disgusted with this), this atrocity is plagued with some of the most horrific effects ever. The apparent green screen, weird spider doll thing, dismembered limbs and relentless onslaught of 3D gimmicks melted my brain. When the first scene is someone badly disintegrating due to spontaneous combustion, you just know you've let yourself in for a bad time. Aside from Pyramid Head, the creepy nurse scene and Yamaoka's score, there is nothing else to enjoy here. Absolutely nothing. It's no revelation that this sequel should be trapped in Silent Hill.