The Social Network (2010)

The Social Network (2010)

2010 PG-13 121 Minutes


The tale of a new breed of cultural insurgent: a punk genius who sparked a revolution and changed the face of human interaction for a generation, and perhaps forever. Chronicling the formation of F...

Overall Rating

10 / 10
Verdict: Great

User Review

  • The Social Network is THE film I relate to. There is no other film. Computer programmer, a loner who throws his friends away, choosing money over's all me. The worst thing is, I actually felt sad for myself! Anyway, David Fincher has created yet another character driven piece of drama, this time about the creation of Facebook. Firstly, Andrew Garfield was incredible...the "it wasn't" and then "point zero three percent" line, it breaks my heart. The characters are so complex and relatable that I can't help but love this film. Sorkin's script yet again is to die for. The rest of the cast were great as well, except Justin Timberlake...which is why I can't give it full marks. But literally everything else is perfection, Fincher can just do no wrong people!