What are some of your favorite horror movies?

by Chris 7 years ago
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  1. Chris
    Updated: 7 years ago

    Halloween season is in full swing, so I thought it would be fun to see what some of your favorite horror movies are.

    Below is a list of mine (just to name a few).

  2. SceneItReviews
    Updated: 7 years ago

    Shaun of the Dead and Evil Dead 2 are my two favorities

  3. thismoviestinks
    Updated: 7 years ago

    The Descent, Videodrome, The Strangers, The Exorcist, The Thing (1982), Candyman, Dead Ringers, Brain Damage...

  4. Chris
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @thismoviestinks Oh yeah, Candyman is a good one. Very underrated. I first saw that film when I was younger and it terrified me. I watched again about 2 years ago and it is still terrifying. I just love the high rise ghetto setting of the film.

  5. thismoviestinks
    Updated: 7 years ago

    @Chris Agreed. Combine those points with an excellent Philip Glass score, a sympathetic villain, and patient pacing and character development and you get one of the best horror films of the 90's.