Jason, Freddy, Michael Horror Marathon

by Chris 8 years ago
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  1. Chris
    Updated: 8 years ago

    I am rewatching all Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Halloween franchise films in an attempt to compare the films. After I have watched all of them, I will produce "Top 5", "Bottom 5", "Favorite Villain", and "Series Ranked" lists. While I have seen many of these, some of them will be first time watches for me.

    Anyone is welcome to join me. Even if you don't participate in the marathon, I would still like to hear yours lists below.

    Here is the order I plan to watch them in:

  2. Manny_In_LoFi
    Updated: 8 years ago

    Oh man. I don't know if I can commit to re-visiting all those. Especially since so many of those are so bad.

  3. Chris
    Updated: 8 years ago

    @TheFilmRascalShow It is a challenge!

    Which series is your favorite?

  4. Manny_In_LoFi
    Updated: 8 years ago

    @chris Of all these, my favorite series is the Nightmare franchise. I feel like Freddy has more of a purpose behind his killings.

    Last night, I stumbled across Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan on AMC. Good lord is it a horrible movie.

  5. Chris
    Updated: 8 years ago

    @TheFilmRascalShow On to Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)!

    I am pretty sure this is the first time I am watching this one, but I can't really remember. I have seen so many of them spread out over so many years that I can't remember which ones I have seen and which I have not.

  6. lololovesfilms
    Updated: 8 years ago

    It has been fun to watch you reviewing the movies from these series! We did something similar with the original "Halloween" movies, but stopped short of the newer ones.

  7. Chris
    Updated: 8 years ago

    Phase 1 of this journey is completed. Read my full review of all 11 Friday the 13th films and my overall ranking of the films from best to worst here:


  8. Chris
    Updated: 8 years ago

    While I have completed the full marathon, I unforntatly have not had a chance to write the 3rd blog post about the Halloween Franchise. I will have it up shortly.

    Here is the Phase 2 post discussion all 8 A Nightmare on Elm Street films:


    Which films are your favorite in the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise?