Lii Tedre

Birthday: October 10th, 1944

Lii Tedre (until 1971 Lii Mander; born on October 10, 1944 in Tallinn) is an Estonian actress. She graduated from the study studio of the Tallinn Drama Theater in 1969. She worked as an actress in the Endla theater from 1968 to 2010.

She has played in television productions ("Holiday", 1982 and "Otto Almari nägemus", 1991) and in the film ("Need vanad ålöbskirjad", Freyja Film, Eesti Televisioon). From 1972 to 1984, she performed in the variety show of the Hermes restaurant in Pärnu. She was married to Peeter Tedre from 1971 to 2020. Their daughter is cultural adviser and former ETV announcer Helene Tedre.