Neil Breen

Birthday: November 23rd, 1958 Place of Birth: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Neil Francis Breen is an American film actor and filmmaker, as well as a former real-estate agent and architect. He is best known for writing, directing, editing and starring in his self-produced films Double Down (2005), I Am Here....Now (2009), Fateful Findings (2013) and Pass Thru (2016). Fateful Findings has been considered a cult film.

Breen's movies tend to have a supernatural nature where the protagonist (always portrayed by himself) is a messianic being who stands up for the greater good by confronting harmful people and powerful / corrupt institutions. This moral protector of the innocent people wants to clean the earth from all evil and wrongdoing. These thematic layers are often presented by long dialogues narrated by the protagonist himself.

Despite that, Neil Breen's films are generally perceived as very bad and amateurish features due to their poor production value, bad writing, acting and editing. It's very likely Breen gained a lot of fame due to this perception.

He's also founder of his own independent film company "Neil Breen Films" formerly called just as "Neil Breen" in 2005.