Jason Bourne (2016)

Jason Bourne (2016)

2016 PG-13 123 Minutes


Jason Bourne, now remembering who he truly is, tries to uncover hidden truths about his past.

Overall Rating

6 / 10
Verdict: Good

User Review

  • jr_blurays


    6 / 10
    Jason Bourne is a film with a great cast, good director, and an installment in a superb franchise, no way they could screw this up, right? Not quite. Jason Bourne was my 2nd most anticipated movie of 2016, next to Suicide Squad and I'm a huge fan of the first three Bourne films. And I have to say, this film had so much wasted potential. The plot was mediocre, and the Alicia Vickander’s performance was just fair. Her american accent was awful, and her acting was one note. I'm pretty sure she just used the same facial expression for every scene. And I wasn't particularly a fan of the social media plot line. There are some redeeming qualities though, which come in the form of the action and the rest of the cast. The action in this movie was excellent, although it all seems kind of pointless given there's not really any weight behind it, other than the exhilarating chase scene between Jason Bourne and Vincent Cassel’s character, whom I will get to in a second. Tommy Lee Jones plays a great old-man-in-a-suit-and-tie roll that he has lately been typecast in. And Matt Damon still kicks ass as Jason Bourne. But the stand out in my opinion was Vincent Cassel’s The Asset. In conclusion, I find the film also focused too much on the action and not enough on the plot. If the film had just focused on the main Jason Bourne plot line and got rid of the social media aspect it would have been a brilliant movie. But alas, it didn't, and that's why I give Jason Bourne a 6/10