As the Avengers and their allies have continued to protect the world from threats too large for any one hero to handle, a new danger has emerged from the cosmic shadows: Thanos. A despot of interga...
Ever since Iron Man made its way into theaters in 2008,that was the beginning of the ambitious Marvel Cinematic Universe,that,from there on out,went on like a New Super Mario Bros game. You complete some levels (the solo movies) all the way up to the final level (the Avengers movie) of each world (Phase).
This definitely seems like the last level (almost) of World 3. After 10 Years of waiting we’re finally here,and the hype is so intense that if you say something negative,it almost seems like a crime. This is why I’ll talk about the negatives first instead of the goods,given that nothing is as perfect as,say,24 Carat Gold. Aside from some unbalanced CG and the score (which needs its own paragraph),I want to take a moment and despise the marketing team. The movie was marketed as ‘’The Biggest Event Of All-Time’’ (a thing most movies are doing nowadays),although the commercials were amping it up to an Interstellar-like seriousness. And while it’s a damn good movie,I wouldn’t say that it’s as good as,say,Interstellar or Once Upon a Time In America,given that selling it like that makes the movie look like a legendary event (which,in part,is supposed to be). Let’s hope the team won’t do the same thing with Avengers 4 and learn from the mistakes.
Also,darn it,was the score by Alan Silvestri (Ready Player One and The Avengers) disappointing! Coming out of RPO,I was amping my expectations up for this score,but all I got was a generic score whose little cues and overall theme will be remembered for sure other than the whole tracklist.
Now that the problems are out of the way,there’s a LOT to talk about the positives.
I admire what writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely (Civil War and The Winter Soldier) did with the story,resulting in a Dunkirk-like structure,where it’s divided in 3 separate stories that,by the end of the movie,get connected together perfectly (like a complicated Puzzle). It DOES feel like if it’s Part 1 of a much-bigger event (given the arrival of Avengers 4 in about a year),especially given that we have 79 characters in the ring.
Tone shifts every now and then,and it’s a good thing,given that each member,with its own screen-time,surprisingly,give you a moment to laugh or cry (Yes,the quips and jokes are there,but none of them detract you from the central story). For example,when we have Iron Man with Banner,Strange and Wong,it gets serious,but when we have the Guardians,it gets funny all-the-way. This is the most ‘Shakespearean’ (I guess) Marvel movie since the first Thor,so be on the look for that. The part I was mostly curious to hear about was how the crowd was reacting to the end,but I won’t say what happened because spoilers.
Thanos (played by Deadpool 2 star Josh Brolin) is probably the best written Marvel villain of all-time. I loved his motivation,his charisma,his design,and with quotes like ‘’I could just snap my fingers and you’d all cease to exist’’ or ‘’Perfectly balanced as all things should be’’,you know right away he’s perfectly written. However,as much as I would go full fanboy for him,I wouldn’t say he is as great of a villain as,say,Killmonger. It’s certainly better than Loki,but where Killmonger came with a more realistic approach,I feel like Thanos didn’t have all the cards on the table to be a great villain,for me only. Everyone will mostly rave about him nonetheless,(even if they should). Oh,and the motion capture is amazing,so…
Every actor/actress was amazing all the way,from Downey Jr to Evans to Pratt to Saldana to….Basically everyone.
As I said,yeah,some of the effects are unbalanced,but that doesn’t mean the CG is bad. All of the effects are off the chain,especially,as I said,the motion capture on Thanos.
Look,if you see Infinity War as a fan,you’ll definetly enjoy it,but as a marketing choice,you’ll probably see it as a disaster on every level.
But (there’s always a but) my heart was pounding all the way through the end,I laughed and I didn’t cry for those moments (bit of a serious person),so… I’m surprised to say it,but I’m curious to see what will happen in Avengers 4. Now the annoying part is that I’m going to hear everyone scream in pain for that movie while I get comfy for Incredibles 2. Bring it on,I guess...