Early Man (2018)

Early Man (2018)

2018 89 Minutes

Family | Comedy | Animation

Set at the dawn of time, when dinosaurs and woolly mammoths roamed the earth, Early Man tells the story of how one plucky caveman unites his tribe against a mighty enemy and saves the day!

Overall Rating

6 / 10
Verdict: Good

User Review

  • WHAT I LIKED: The brilliant Bristol-based Aardman animation company have crafted a whole host of worldwide hits with their stop-motion animations over the years, and their latest is 'Early Man,' - a film about some people of the stone age who end up challenged to a high-stakes football game against the bronze age, but where the movie really only serves as a vehicle for hundreds of snappy jokes and humour. Indeed unlike the more rounded narrative stuff of the Wallace and Gromit films, this is more like a simple display of quick-fire comedy where the animators churn through funny ideas by the bucket-load, and then loosely hang a narrative on it all. As a result, it's not such an investing experience, but it is an exceedingly funny one, and in that sense it rather reminded me of last year's LEGO Batman movie, and definitely made me smile from start to finish.
    WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: It's frankly nothing more than funny.
    VERDICT: A film where a cycle of snappy jokes will bring a beaming smile to the face, 'Early Man,' is great fun, but it's certainly no more than that.