Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince assemble a team of metahumans consisting of Barry Allen, Arthur Curry, and Victor Ston...
After the ''Wonder''ous surprise (God,i hate doing puns) that was Wonder Woman,Zack Snyder is back at the director's chair (almost...) with Justice League,a movie so messy and flawed,you could surprisingly find some enjoyment on it. But anyways,i expected it,it's a WB movie,so....
Let's start with the good news. No matter what movie is he going to be in,Ben Affleck will always shine as Batman,same with Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman and Ezra Miller as The Flash (who kind of feels like the ''Spider-Man'' of the DCEU,because of its comedic timing). I was also surprised to see that there wasn't that much Zack Snyder-ization on it,with the color scheme and palette being sometimes bright (like the Wonder Woman movie) and the story being tonally in balance between lighthearted and dark,with scenes where you can tell that some of them are Snyder and others are Joss Whedon (since Whedon did $150 Million of reshoots). And did anyone miss Danny Elfman on the scoring stage? He did a great job on mixing the new generation and the 70s/80s with the soundtrack (when you'll hear some cues of the Batman (1979) and Superman ('89) theme,tears will be assured for sure!).
Then there's the bad news...Oh my...The CG in this movie is almost everywhere,where in some parts i was okay with it,but in others i was constantly noticing it (the entirety of Cyborg,when Aquaman flows under the sea,SUPERMAN HAVNG A MOUSTACHE IN SOME PARTS.). The Flash's introduction was too fast and i didn't feel for Cyborg as a charachter. Oh,let's complain about Steppenwolf too. He's as forgettable as your school lessons,and the CG on him was obnoxious. The editing may feel choppy in some parts (that i can't tell because spoilers),so,i warned you.
Overall,aside from the glaring flaw of Steppenwolf,it was nice to sit through Justice League. Trust me,with the action scenes and the story,you'll definetly forget Suicide Squad existed,and i'll be curious to see an Ultimate Cut of the movie (if they'll do it,since this movie was supposed to be 2h 45m longer).