Incredibles 2 (2018)

Incredibles 2 (2018)

2018 PG 118 Minutes

Action | Adventure | Animation | Family

Elastigirl springs into action to save the day, while Mr. Incredible faces his greatest challenge yet – taking care of the problems of his three children.

Overall Rating

8 / 10
Verdict: Good

User Review

  • Creeper3455


    8 / 10
    It may go by no means that I simply adore the first Incredibles movie for its memorable characters and the fact that it was a superhero movie that tried to do something different instead of “KA-POW!-ing” for 2 hours.
    After a 14 Year Hiatus,the sequel is finally here and,to be honest,it feels like a good 14 Years,diving into (yet again) another interesting story,written by Brad Bird’s excellent script (a script that,for an animated movie,gets shockingly bold throughout its 2 Hour runtime).
    Where the first one was centrally a story about Mr. Incredible trying to get back into the glory days, Incredibles 2 switches places,this time with Elastigirl being the main character because Winston Deavor (or Cartoon Tony Stark played by Bob Odenkirk) wants to bring the supers back. And that's something that you could play with superhero movies,since I still haven't seen one that did it really well (even as much as I loved Black Panther as much as everyone else).
    Apparently,the script also manages to give every character the right amount of screentime while giving everyone a purpose to be in this movie. Even the less important characters like Tony Rydinger.
    The Screenslaver is the new villain with a name that I usually expect for a family-friendly Disney movie (just like Jackson Storm),and his presence was interesting to a halt. A Halt that grinds the character into a “Pit Of Death” where it just makes it a villain who's there to throw punches,making me feel like they could've done better with him. Although I don't really know if I can say it's a flaw or not,because,as said,his presence was intimidating for its first minutes of screentime.
    As always,Pixar manages to improve with their top-quality animation with the smaller details,like the shirt’s fabric moving and the hair details, and there's some space to be had for the grander details (there's a full fight scene inside a hypnotic box and I'm still questioning how in the living hell did they move the characters in a box that lights up and shuts down every millisecond). If I would've had a flaw it would be Michael Giacchino's Score. I’m not saying the score is bad by any means (some of the tracks are glorious indeed),but I just wanted a bit more of meat to chew (especially compared to the first movie’s score).
    In the end,this may be my favorite superhero movie of 2018 and a second best Pixar Sequel (because nothing beats and will beat Toy Story 2),and that's really strange, considering that I usually don't expect this from an animated movie (although I always wanted an animated superhero movie to be better than a Marvel/DC Movie.).
    So yeah,check this one out,have a laugh or two and have fun!
    Now,if you excuse me,I'm going to replay LEGO The Incredibles for the millionth time.