After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War, the universe is in ruins due to the efforts of the Mad Titan, Thanos. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers must assemble once more...
A part of a hero's journey is the end, and "Avengers: Endgame", directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, is an immensely powerful culmination of 22 films that serves as an incredibly entertaining epic conclusion to the ongoing saga that is the "Marvel Cinematic Universe".
Following right after the tragic events of "Avengers: Infinity War", the plot finds the surviving heroes figuring out how to move on after the mad titan, "Thanos", successfully managed to collect all six "Infinity Stones" and snap half of the population out of existence. The depression and devastation is real following their defeat, but the heroic team, living up to their name, brings all their forces and will power together to try and muster up a way to undo the horrific wrongs created by "Thanos".
Simply making an tremendous and cogent blockbuster by itself is a ridiculous challenge, so imagine simultaneously bringing all together massive details and characters of prior films and balancing it into one cohesive and engaging film. "Avengers: Endgame" is yet another shining example on how to tie together a shared universe of films, and concluding established character arcs in a satisfyingly emotional way. The film's narrative feels like a grand finale that's utterly spectacular, to say the least.
This film is obviously a love letter not just for the fans, but for the original six members of the "Avengers". Placed front and center, the narrative is a final chapter to the pioneers of the MCU. It truly goes without saying that the film pays deep and honest respect to the original cast that helped birth the franchise. The star studded cast of Robert Downy Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, and Mark Ruffalo knocked it out of the park with their performances like usual. However, Jeremy Renner especially steals the spotlight in this one. His scenes are emotionally gripping, as he elevates his character of "Hawkeye" to new heights into his transformation of "Ronin".
Steering away from spoiler territory as much as possible, the final climax of the film is simply an overpowering, senses filling extravaganza that pays off the build of the first two hours, fully embracing the searing explosions of comic book insanity. The impressive battle sequence effectively grounds the action with emotional stakes and plenty of fan service to make any geek stand and cheer.
While there's a few flaws to be found in the film, like the villain being underplayed this time around and minor pacing issues in the second act, it's undoubtedly an sumptuous and exhilarating adventure every Marvel fan has been dying to see.
"Avengers: Endgame" truly feels like the final chapter to an entire franchise, not just a resolution or cliffhanger. It's as spectacular as it is emotional, as it somehow manages to tie up more than a decade worth of storytelling in a confident conclusion that must be experience in the best possible theater you have in your area. Other than a few minor narrative hiccups, "Avengers: Endgame" is an poignant story of sacrifice and what it means to be a hero, while also pulling off a remarkably exhilarating and satisfying finale that'll be loved by Marvel fans 3000 times more than any other superhero film.