How do you tag movies, people, and users in message board posts?

by Chris 8 years ago
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  1. Chris
    Updated: 8 years ago

    Multiple people have asked me how you tag a movie, person, or user in a message board post, so I thought it would be good to provide a bit of instruction:

    Movies, Cast, and Crew

    Use a "#" symbol then start typing the movie or person's name. Use a "-" instead of a space when searching. Select the item you want to tag from the live search drop-down box that appears. Once you select what you want to tag the official slug for the movie or film will be added.

    FilmFed User

    Use an "@" symbol then start typing the users name or username. Use a "-" instead of a space when searching. Select the user you want to tag from the live search drop-down box that appears. Once you select the user you want to tag the users official tag will be added.