FilmFed just received its biggest update ever!

by Chris 8 years ago
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  1. Chris
    Updated: 8 years ago

    Tonight, I pushed out the biggest update ever to FilmFed. Below is a list of everything that is included with this update.

    • Search is now blazing fast (including @ mentions and # mentions here on the message boards).
    • Search is much smarter and will show more relevant results.
    • Movies and people that are not found on FilmFed can now be imported from TMDb ( by members. *
    • The social icons in the footer of the site and on member profiles have been update.
    • FilmFed has been moved to a much faster and more efficient web server.
    • The technologies and framework that FilmFed is built on have all been upgrade to increase site performance and security.

    * When searching, if you do not see the result you are looking for click the "View All" button next to either the "Movie Results" or "People Results". If you still do not see the result you are looking for, click the link at the bottom of the "View All" page to check TMDb for available imports that match your search query.

  2. deleteme
    Updated: 8 years ago

    Nice! Going the right way :D ( still no imdb import lol, gonna have to take an afternoon off to make a manual import ) . I got a bit tiered of the site i was using, i needed a place for my movies, i guess i found it! Now i need a place for show, but that´s other problem ( also testing some new one´s ; ; but i need something more easy and simple.

    Keep up the good work and let me know if you need any help.

    Ps: I assume the next big update will be a "seen movies" browser in our profile? really think that one is a MUST have...

  3. Chris
    Updated: 8 years ago

    @PedroMGA TV Shows are on the road map, but I have a couple of other features I want to role out before then.

  4. deleteme
    Updated: 8 years ago

    yeah i noticed on the site description about tv shows to, i assumed that, but i also assumed its longe before they show up :P For now i think the most important is a revamp of the profile, because that´s what 90% of the users look for.

  5. deleteme
    Updated: 8 years ago

    My MAIN problem with shows is "simple" : the site i use to track episodes is trakt. I can´t find a site that lets me see ALL new shows that are going to be released. the one´s more obscure or less known like Australian shows and British Shows. there´s no place that let us see all shows for each tv channel that are going to be out. that´s a main issue!